The technical sessions of SMC 2012 will take place at Aalborg University Copenhagen 
, in the new facilities in the south part of the city. The address is A.C. Meyers Vænge 15 2450 København SV

The musical events will take place in different locations in central Copenhagen.

The opening concert on July 11th and the closing concert on July 14th take place at Den Frie Center for Contemporary Art, Oslo Plads 1, 2100 Copenhagen.

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The concert on july 12th takes place at Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art, Overgaden Neden Vandet 17
DK-1414 Copenhagen K.

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Installations tour takes place at Aalborg University Copenhagen, Black Box Gallery (Fredericiagade 14 kld. 1310 Copenhagen K) and Damp Gallery (Esplanaden 1 C).

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Overgaden is hosting the concert on July 12th.

  Institut for Samtidskunst
   Overgaden Neden Vandet 17
   DK-1414 København K

Den frie 

Den Frie is hosting the concerts on July 11th and July 14th.

 Den Frie Centre Of Contemporary Art
   Oslo Plads 1
   Dk – 2100 Copenhagen Ø

Damp Gallery

Damp Gallery is hosting some installations.

 Damp Gallery
   Esplanaden 1 C
   1263 Copenhagen

Black Box Gallery

Black Box Gallery is hosting some installations.

Fredericiagade 14 kld.

   Ground Floor
   1310 Copenhagen K