SMC 2012 is proud to announce the following keynote speakers:

Professor Lars Kai Hansen
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Personal homepage

Professor Lars Kai Hansen received the PhD degree in physics from University of Copenhagen, in 1986. He worked on industrial machine learning from 1987-1990, with Andrex Radiation Products A/S. Since 1990 he has been with the Technical University of Denmark, currently he is head of DTU Informatic’s Section for Cognitive Systems. Lars Kai Hansen is author/co-author of more than 250 papers and book chapters on adaptive signal processing and machine learning and applications in bio-medicine and digital media.

Professor Michael Kubovy
University of Virgina

Personal homepage .

Cognitive psychologist Michael Kubovy’s research focuses on visual and auditory perception, especially perceptual organization; cross-modal
perception; and the psychology of art. The latter is the focus of his book The Psychology of Perspective and Renaissance Art. Kubovy’s work is widely published in journals such as The Proceedings of the US Academy of Sciences and Experimental Brain Research. His research is currently supported by NSF, with previous awards from NIMH, the National Eye Institute, and the National Institute for Deafness and Communicative Disorders. He has received numerous awards for his achievements, including Cattell and Guggenheim fellowships, election to the select (200 or so members) Society of Experimental Psychologists, and a fellowship at the Rockefeller Center in Bellagio. Among his invited lectures are the Wertheimer Lecture in Frankfurt and the Kanisza Lecture in Trieste, as well as numerous keynote conference addresses. Kubovy received the PhD from the Hebrew University, where he worked with Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. He has held faculty positions at Yale, Rutgers and the University of Virginia.

Esben Skovenborg
TC Electronic, Denmark

Esben Skovenborg received the Industrial PhD degree from Aarhus University (Computer science) in 2004, with the topic Measuring Perceptual Features of Music. He also holds an MSc degree in Music Technology from The University of York. Esben has studied music at the Musicians Institute in California, and enjoys playing the guitar.
Since 2005 Esben Skovenborg has been employed as a research engineer at TC Electronic A/S, where he works with virtual prototyping, algorithm development, signal processing, software architecture, pattern recognition, and listening experiments.
Esben has published a number of papers at AES and DAFx conferences, and has contributed to the international standardisation of loudness-measurement and -control within the ITU-R and the EBU.