IDC 2010

About SMC

The SMC Conference is the forum for international exchanges around the core interdisciplinary topics of Sound and Music Computing. SMC 2010 will emphasize the involvement of young researchers by specially promoting activities of interest to them. In particular there will be a Summer School prior the the conference to give an opportunity to young researchers to learn about some of the core interdisciplinary topics of SMC and to share their own experiences with other young researchers.

The SMC initiative is jointly supervised by the following European associations:

  • AFIM (Association Française d'Informatique Musicale)
  • AIMI (Associazione Italiana di Informatica Musicale)
  • DEGEM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik)
  • HACI (Hellenic Association of Music Informatics)
  • SITEMU (Sociedad(e) Ibérica de TEcnología MUsical)

Previous SMC Conferences:

  1. SMC 2009: 23-25 July 2009, Porto, Portugal
  2. SMC 2008: 31 July-3 August 2008, Berlin, Germany
  3. SMC 2007: 11-13 July 2007, Lefkada, Greece
  4. SMC 2006: 18-20 May 2006, Marseille, France
  5. SMC 2005: 24-26 November 2005, Salerno, Italy
  6. SMC 2004: 20-22 October 2004, Paris, France


Previous SMC Summer Schools:

  1. Porto 2009
  2. Stockholm 2007
  3. Barcelona 2006
  4. Genova 2005
  5. Genova 2008


For more information on the SMC field you can check the  Portal of the Sound and Music Computing research community, and for more information on the SMC conferences check:




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Generalitat de Catalunya - CoNCA
Ajuntament de Barcelona
SGAE - Fundació Autor
Conservatori municipal
Conservatori Liceu