Poster sessions
Poster Session 1
- [PS1-1] Jean-julien Filatriau and Daniel Arfib. Creation and Exploration of a Perceptual Sonic Textures Space Using a Tangible Interface.
- [PS1-2] Nuno N Correia. AV Clash – Online Tool for Mixing and Visualizing Audio Retrieved from Database.
- [PS1-3] Steven Gelineck and Stefania Serafin. PHOXES - Modular Electronic Music Instruments Based on Physical Modeling Sound Synthesis.
- [PS1-4] Dominique Fober, Christophe Daudin, Yann Orlarey and Stéphane Letz. Interlude - A Framework for Augmented Music Scores.
- [PS1-5] Sebastian Vega and Jordi Janer. Quantifying Masking In Multi-Track Recordings.
- [PS1-6] Mitsuyo Hashida, Shunji Tanaka, Takashi Baba and Haruhiro Katayose. Mixtract: An Environment for Designing Musical Phrase Expression.
- [PS1-7] Hanns Holger Rutz, Eduardo Miranda and Gerhard Eckel. On the Traceability of the Compositional Process.
- [PS1-8] Alex McLean and Geraint Wiggins. Tidal - Pattern Language for Live Coding of Music.
- [PS1-9] Andrea Valle, Kees Tazelaar and Vincenzo Lombardo. In a Concrete Space: Reconstructing the Spatialization of Iannis Xenakis' Concret PH on a Multichannel Setup.
- [PS1-10] Panagiotis Papiotis and Hendrik Purwins. A Lyrics-Matching QBH System with Applications in Real-time Accompaniment.
- [PS1-11] Enric Guaus and Josep Lluís Arcos. Analyzing Left Hand Fingering in Quitar Playing.
- [PS1-12] Anderson F Machado and Marcelo Queiroz. Voice Conversion: a Critical Survey.
- [PS1-13] Satoru Fukayama, Kei Nakatsuma, Shinji Sako, Takuya Nishimoto and Shigeki Sagayama. Automatic Song Composition from the Lyrics Exploiting Prosody of Japanese Language.
- [PS1-14] Tommaso Bianco. Mimicry of Tone Production: Results from a Pilot Experiment.
- [PS1-15] Martin Gasser, Arthur Flexer and Dominik Schnitzer. Hubs and Orphans - an Explorative Approach.
- [PS2-1] Giuseppe Cabras, Sergio Canazza, Pier Luca Montessoro and Roberto Rinaldo. Restoration of Audio Documents with Low SNR: a NMF Parameter Estimation and Perceptually Motivated Bayesian Suppression Rule.
- [PS2-2] Christian Schörkhuber and Anssi Klapuri. Constant-Q Transform Toolbox for Music Processing.
- [PS2-3] Tsubasa Tanaka, Takuya Nishimoto, Nobutaka Ono and Shigeki Sagayama. Automatic Music Composition Based on Counterpoint and Imitation Using Stochastic Models.
- [PS2-4] Chris Kiefer. Exploring Timbre Spaces With Two Multiparametric Controllers.
- [PS2-5] Pierre Jouvelot and Yann Orlarey. Dependent Vector Types for Multirate Faust.
- [PS2-6] Antonio Camurri, Sergio Canazza, Corrado Canepa, Antonio Rodà, Gualtiero Volpe, Serena Zanolla and Gian Luca Foresti. The ‘Stanza Logo–Motoria’: an Interactive Environment for Learning and Communication.
- [PS2-7] Stefan Kersten and Hendrik Purwins. Sound Texture Synthesis with Hidden Markov Tree Models in the Wavelet Domain.
- [PS2-8] Luca Andrea Ludovico, Davide Andrea Mauro and Dario Pizzamiglio. Head in Space: A Head-tracking Based Binaural Spatialization System.
- [PS2-10] Pratyush, Martí Umbert and Xavier Serra. A Look into the Past: Analysis of Trends and Topics in the Sound and Music Computing Conference.
- [PS2-12] Norbert Schnell, Marco Antonio Suarez Cifuentes and Jean-Philippe Lambert. First Steps in (Relaxed) Real-Time Typo-Morphological Audio Analysis/Synthesis.
- [PS2-13] Benny Sluchin and Mikhail Malt. Interpretation and Computer Assistance in John Cage’s Concert for Piano and Orchestra (1957-58).
- [PS2-14] Charles Bascou. Adaptive Spatialization and Scripting Capabilities in the Spatial Trajectory Editor Holo-Edit.
- [PS2-15] Fivos Maniatakos, Gerard Assayag, Frederic Bevilacqua and Carlos Agon. On Architecture and Formalisms for Computer-Assisted Improvisation.
- [PS3-1] Jens Hjortkjær and Frederik Nielbo. A Perceptual Study on Dynamical Form in Music.
- [PS3-2] Simone Spagnol, Michele Geronazzo and Federico Avanzini. Structural Modeling of Pinna-Related Transfer Functions.
- [PS3-3] Mika Kuuskankare and Mikael Laurson. Connecting Graphical Scores to Sound Synthesis in PWGL.
- [PS3-4] Arefin Huq, Mark Cartwright and Bryan Pardo. Crowdsourcing a Real-World On-Line Query by Humming System.
- [PS3-5] Mauricio Toro-bermudez and Myriam Desainte-Catherine. Concurrent Constraints Conditional-Branching Timed Interactive Scores.
- [PS3-6] Bart Moens, Leon Van Noorden and Marc Leman. D-Jogger: Syncing Music with Walking.
- [PS3-7] Tan Ozaslan and Josep Lluís Arcos. Legato and Glissando Identification in Classical Guitar.
- [PS3-8] Gilbert Nouno and Malik Mezzadri. Tonal Signatures.
- [PS3-9] Jaume Segura Garcia, Alvaro Romero and Enrique A Navarro Camba. Acoustic Rehabilitation of a Little Church in Vinaros (Spain).
- [PS3-10] Marco Marchini and Hendrik Purwins. Unsupervised Generation of Percussion Sound Sequences from a Sound Example.
- [PS3-11] Marc Sosnick and William Hsu. Efficient Finite Difference-based Sound Synthesis using GPUs.
- [PS3-12] Areti Andreopoulou and Morwaread Farbood. Short Time Pitch Memory in Western vs Other Equal Temperament Tuning Systems.
- [PS3-13] Ho-Hsiang Wu and Juan Bello. Audio-based Music Visualization for Music Structure Analysis.
- [PS3-14] Umut Simsekli and Ali Taylan Cemgil. A Comparison of Probabilistic Models for Online Pitch Rracking.
- [PS3-15] Diemo Schwarz. Descriptor-Based Sound Texture Sampling.
- [PS2-11] Sebastian Stober and Andreas Nuernberger. MusicGalaxy -- An Adaptive User-Interface for Exploratory Music Retrieval.