IDC 2010


The SMC2010 Banquet will be held at restaurant La Oca Mar (more info).

  • Starters: jamón de jabugo, cogollos con bonito del norte, gambitas blancas a la andaluza, pescadito frito, buñuelos de bacalao, chapatitas de pan con tomate y aceite de oliva arbequino
  • Main course: Paella "Mar Bella" (fish and seafood)
  • Desert: Sacher cake
If you need a vegetarian menu please contact the organization committee () before July 15th. The Price of the Banquet is 45€ (not included in the Conference registration fee).

Sponsored by
Generalitat de Catalunya - CoNCA
Ajuntament de Barcelona
SGAE - Fundació Autor
Conservatori municipal
Conservatori Liceu