Saturday 01-08-2015
08:45 - 09:00
[Iontas - Foyer]
09:10 - 10:00
Keynote III: Interacting with Inner and Outer Sonic Complexity: from Microsound to Soundscape Composition
Professor Barry Truax

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
Oral Session IX:
Sound & music signal processing algorithms/Music Information Retrieval
Chair: Masataka Goto

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
10:00 - 10:20
An Exploration of Mood Classification in the Million Songs Dataset
Humberto Corona and Michael P. O'Mahony
10:20 - 10:40
Analyzing the influence of pitch quantization and note segmentation on singing voice alignment in the context of audio-based Query-by-Humming
Jose J. Valero-Mas, Justin Salamon and Emilia Gómez

10:40 - 11:00
TRAP: Transient Presence detection exploiting Continuous Brightness Estimation (CoBE)
Giorgio Presti, Davide Andrea Mauro and Goffredo Haus
Poster Craze V:
Music Information Retrieval/Music Performance Analysis and Rendering/Perception and cognition of sound and music
Chair: Stefania Serafin

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
11:00 - 11:20
How Well Can a Music Emotion Recognition System Predict the Emotional Responses of Participants?
Yading Song and Simon Dixon

Exploring the General Melodic Characteristics of XinTianYou Folk Songs
Juan Li, Lu Dong, Jianhang Ding and Xinyu Yang

Non-negative Sparse Decomposition of Music Signal using Pre-trained Dictionary of Feature Vectors of Possible Tones from Different Instruments
Ryo Nomura and Takio Kurita

Sensor and Software Technologies for Lip Pressure Measurement in Trumpet and Cornet Playing - from Lab to Classroom
Tobias Großhauser, G. Troester, A. Thul and M. Bertsch

The Virtuoso Composer and the Formidable Machine: A Path to Preserving Human Compositional Expression
Jason Cullimore and David Gerhard

Acoustically Guided Redirected Walking in a WFS System: Design of an Experiment to Identify Detection Thresholds
Malte Nogalski and Wolfgang Fohl
11:20 - 12:00
Coffee / Poster Session V
[Iontas - Foyer]
Oral Session X:
Music Performance Analysis and Rendering
Chair: Kazuyoshi Yoshii

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
12:00 - 12:20
Guided improvisation as dynamic calls to an offline model
Jérôme Nika, Dimitri Bouche, Jean Bresson, Marc Chemillier and Gérard Assayag
12:20 - 12:40
A loop sequencer that selects music loops based on the degree of excitement
Tetsuro Kitahara, Kosuke Iijima, Misaki Okada, Yuji Yamashita and Ayaka Tsuruoka
12:40 - 13:00
Granular Model of Multidimensional Spatial Sonification
Muhammad Hafiz Wan Rosli, Andrés Cabrera, Matthew Wright and Curtis Roads
13:00 - 14:15
[Phoenix Restaurant]
Oral Session XI:
Computational musicology and Mathematical Music Theory II/Sound & Music signal processing algorithms
Chair: Derry Fitzgerald

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
14:15 - 14:35
On the Musical Opportunities of Cylindrical Hexagonal Lattices: Mapping Flat Isomorphisms Onto Nanotube Structures
Hanlin Hu, Brett Park and David Gerhard

14:35 - 14:55
Irish Traditional Ethnomusicology Analysis Using Decision Trees and High Level Symbolic Features
Mario L. G. Martins and Carlos N. Silla Jr.
14:55 - 15:15
Navigating the mix-space: theoretical and practical level-balancing technique in multi-track music mixtures
Alex Wilson and Bruno M. Fazenda
15:15 - 15:35
Smooth Granular Sound Texture Synthesis by Control of Timbral Similarity
Diemo Schwarz and Sean O’Leary
Poster Craze VI:
Auditory displays and data sonification/Content processing of music audio signals
Chair: Joseph Timoney

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
15:35 - 15:55
Embodied Auditory Display Affordances
Stephen Roddy and Dermot Furlong

Musically informed sonification for self-directed chronic pain physical rehabilitation
Joseph W. Newbold, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Nicolas E. Gold and Amanda Williams

A dtw-based score following method for score-informed sound source separation
Francisco Jose Rodriguez-Serrano, Jonatan Menndez-Canal, Antonio Vidal, Francisco Jesus Canadas-Quesada and Raquel Cortina

Multi-channel spatial sonification of chinook salmon migration patterns in the snake river watershed
Ben Luca Robertson, Jonathan Middleton and Jens Hegg

Mapping brain signals to music via executable graphs
Katie Crowley and James McDermott

Analysis of musical textures played on the guitar by means of real-time extraction of mid-level descriptors
Sérgio Freire and Pedro Cambraia
15:55 - 16:40
Coffee / Poster Session VI
[Iontas - Foyer]
Oral Session XII:
Interactive Performance Systems IIb
Chair: Thomas Lysaght

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
16:40 - 17:00
A Tambourine Support System to Improve the Atmosphere of Karaoke
Takuya Kurihara, Naohiro Kinoshita, Ryunosuke Yamaguchi and Tetsuro Kitahara
17:00 - 17:20
Follow the Tactile Metronome: Vibrotactile Stimulation for Tempo Synchronization in Music Performance
Marcello Giordano and Marcelo M. Wanderley

17:20 - 17:40
LICHTGESTALT: Interaction with sound through swarms of light rays
Jonas Fehr and Cumhur Erkut
20:00 - 21:15
Concert II
[Renehan Hall - South Campus]