Friday 31-07-2015
08:45 - 09:00
[Iontas - Foyer]
09:10 - 10:00
Keynote II: Musical Sound Source Separation
Dr. Derry Fitzgerald

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
Oral Session V:
Models for Sound Analysis and Synthesis/Auditory displays and data sonification
Chair: Jari Kleimola

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
10:00 - 10:20
Movement Perception in Music Performance - A Mixed Methods Investigation
Jan C. Schacher, Hanna Järveläinen, Christian Strinning and Patrick Neff
10:20 - 10:40
Psychoacoustic impact assessment of smoothed AM/FM resonance signals
Antonio José Homsi Goulart, Joseph Timoney, Marcelo Gomes de Queiroz and Victor Lazzarini
10:40 - 11:00
Multichannel composition using state space models and sonification
Rosalia Soria-Luz
Poster Craze III:
Interactive Performance Systems/Multimodality in sound and music computing II
Chair: Anastasia Georgaki

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
11:00 - 11:20
Antonio D. Carvalho Jr. and Thomas Mayer

Cooperative musical creation using Kinect, WiiMote, Epoc and microphones: a case study with MinDSounDS
Tiago F. Tavares, Gabriel Rimoldi, Vânia Eger Pontes and Jônatas Manzolli

The “Harmonic Walk” and enactive knowledge: an assessment report
Marcella Mandanici, Antonio Roda' and Sergio Canazza

Distributing Music Scores to Mobile Platforms and to the Internet
Dominique Fober, Guillaume Gouilloux, Yann Orlarey and Stéphane Letz

Sound My Vision: Real-time video analysis on mobile platforms for controlling multimedia performances
Miranda Kreković, Franco Grbac and Gordan Kreković

Addressing Tempo Estimation Octave Errors in Electronic Music by Incorporating Style Information Extracted from Wikipedia
Florian Hörschläger, Richard Vogl, Sebastian Böck and Peter Knees
11:20 - 12:00
Coffee / Poster Session III
[Iontas - Foyer]
Oral Session VI:
Computer Environments for Sound/Music Processing
Chair: Tetsuro Kitahara

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
12:00 - 12:20
Web Audio Modules
Jari Kleimola and Oliver Larkin
12:20 - 12:40
Tempo curving as a framework for interactive computer-aided composition
Jean Bresson and John MacCallum
12:40 - 13:00
Perceiving and Predicting Expressive Rhythm with Recurrent Neural Networks
Andrew J. Lambert, Tillman Weyde and Newton Armstrong
13:00 - 14:15
[Phoenix Restaurant]
Oral Session VII:
Computational Musicology and Mathematical Music Theory I
Chair: Giovanni De Poli

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
14:15 - 14:35
Grammatical Evolution with Zipf's Law Based Fitness for Melodic Composition
Róisín Loughran, James McDermott and Michael O'Neill
14:35 - 14:55
Modeling of phoneme duaration for alignment between polyphonic audio and lyrics
Georgi Dzhambazov and Xavier Serra
14:55 - 15:15
Generalizing Messiaen’s Modes of Limited Transposition to a n-tone Equal Temperament
Luca Andrea Ludovico and Adriano Baratè
15:15 - 15:35
SynPy: a Python Toolkit for Syncopation Modelling
Chunyang Song, Marcus Pearce and Christopher Harte
Poster Craze IV:
Computer environments for sound/music processing/Content processing of music audio signals
Chair: James McDermott

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
15:35 - 15:55
MEPHISTO: A Source to Source Transpiler from Pure Data to Faust
Abdullah Onur Demir and Hüseyin Hacıhabiboğlu

To “Sketch a Scratch”
Alan Del Piccolo, Stefano Delle Monache, Davide Rocchesso, Stefano Papetti and Davide Andrea Mauro

Inter-channel synchronisation for transmitting live audio streams over digital radio links
Stephen Brown and Jorge Oliver

MUSICMEAN: Fusion-based music generation
Tatsunori Hirai, Shoto Sasaki and Shigeo Morishima

Desirable aspects of visual programming languages for different applications in music creation
Antonio Pošćić, Gordan Kreković and Ana Butković

Online harmonic/percussive separation using smoothness/sparseness constraint
Francisco Canadas-Quesada, Pedro Vera-Candeas, Nicolas Ruiz-Reyes, P. Alonso and J. Ranilla
15:55 - 16:40
Coffee / Poster Session IV
[Iontas - Foyer]
Oral Session VIII:
Multimodality in Sound and Music Computing
Chair: Federico Avanzini

[Iontas - TH 0.003]
16:40 - 17:00
Wave Voxel Synthesis
Anis Haron and Matthew Wright
17:00 - 17:20
Mozart is still blue: a comparison of sensory and verbal scales to describe qualities in music
Maddalena Murari, Antonio Rodà, Osvaldo Da Pos, Emery Schubert, Sergio Canazza and Giovanni De Poli

17:20 - 17:40
Vibrotactile Discrimination of Pure and Complex Waveforms
Gareth William Young, Dave Murphy and Jeffrey Weeter
20:00 - 21:15
Concert I
[Renehan Hall - South Campus]