Friday 31-07-2015 |
- 09:00 |
[Iontas - Foyer] |
- 10:00 |
Keynote II: Musical Sound Source Separation Dr. Derry Fitzgerald |
[Iontas - TH 0.003] |
Session V: |
Models for Sound Analysis and Synthesis/Auditory displays and data sonification Chair: Jari Kleimola |
[Iontas - TH 0.003] |
- 10:20 |
Movement Perception in Music Performance - A Mixed Methods Investigation Jan C. Schacher, Hanna Järveläinen, Christian Strinning and Patrick Neff |
- 10:40 |
Psychoacoustic impact assessment of smoothed AM/FM resonance signals Antonio José Homsi Goulart, Joseph Timoney, Marcelo Gomes de Queiroz and Victor Lazzarini |
- 11:00 |
Multichannel composition using state space models and sonification Rosalia Soria-Luz |
Poster Craze III: |
Interactive Performance Systems/Multimodality in sound and music computing II Chair: Anastasia Georgaki |
[Iontas - TH 0.003] |
- 11:20 |
Sensors2OSC Antonio D. Carvalho Jr. and Thomas Mayer |
Cooperative musical creation using Kinect, WiiMote, Epoc and microphones: a case study with MinDSounDS Tiago F. Tavares, Gabriel Rimoldi, Vânia Eger Pontes and Jônatas Manzolli |
The “Harmonic Walk” and enactive knowledge: an assessment report Marcella Mandanici, Antonio Roda' and Sergio Canazza |
Distributing Music Scores to Mobile Platforms and to the Internet Dominique Fober, Guillaume Gouilloux, Yann Orlarey and Stéphane Letz |
Sound My Vision: Real-time video analysis on mobile platforms for controlling multimedia performances Miranda Kreković, Franco Grbac and Gordan Kreković |
Addressing Tempo Estimation Octave Errors in Electronic
Music by Incorporating Style Information Extracted from Wikipedia Florian Hörschläger, Richard Vogl, Sebastian Böck and Peter Knees |
- 12:00 |
Coffee / Poster Session III |
[Iontas - Foyer] |
Session VI: |
Computer Environments for Sound/Music Processing Chair: Tetsuro Kitahara |
[Iontas - TH 0.003] |
- 12:20 |
Web Audio Modules Jari Kleimola and Oliver Larkin |
- 12:40 |
Tempo curving as a framework for interactive computer-aided composition Jean Bresson and John MacCallum |
- 13:00 |
Perceiving and Predicting Expressive Rhythm with Recurrent Neural Networks Andrew J. Lambert, Tillman Weyde and Newton Armstrong |
- 14:15 |
Lunch |
[Phoenix Restaurant] |
Session VII: |
Computational Musicology and Mathematical Music Theory I Chair: Giovanni De Poli |
[Iontas - TH 0.003] |
- 14:35 |
Grammatical Evolution with Zipf's Law Based Fitness for Melodic Composition Róisín Loughran, James McDermott and Michael O'Neill |
- 14:55 |
Modeling of phoneme duaration for alignment between polyphonic audio and lyrics Georgi Dzhambazov and Xavier Serra |
- 15:15 |
Generalizing Messiaen’s Modes of Limited Transposition to a n-tone Equal Temperament Luca Andrea Ludovico and Adriano Baratè |
- 15:35 |
SynPy: a Python Toolkit for Syncopation Modelling Chunyang Song, Marcus Pearce and Christopher Harte |
Poster Craze IV: |
Computer environments for sound/music processing/Content processing of music audio signals Chair: James McDermott |
[Iontas - TH 0.003] |
- 15:55 |
MEPHISTO: A Source to Source Transpiler from Pure Data to Faust Abdullah Onur Demir and Hüseyin Hacıhabiboğlu |
To “Sketch a Scratch” Alan Del Piccolo, Stefano Delle Monache, Davide Rocchesso, Stefano Papetti and Davide Andrea Mauro |
Inter-channel synchronisation for transmitting live audio streams over digital radio links Stephen Brown and Jorge Oliver |
MUSICMEAN: Fusion-based music generation Tatsunori Hirai, Shoto Sasaki and Shigeo Morishima |
Desirable aspects of visual programming languages for different applications in music creation Antonio Pošćić, Gordan Kreković and Ana Butković |
Online harmonic/percussive separation using smoothness/sparseness constraint Francisco Canadas-Quesada, Pedro Vera-Candeas, Nicolas Ruiz-Reyes, P. Alonso and J. Ranilla |
- 16:40 |
Coffee / Poster Session IV |
[Iontas - Foyer] |
Session VIII: |
Multimodality in Sound and Music Computing Chair: Federico Avanzini |
[Iontas - TH 0.003] |
- 17:00 |
Wave Voxel Synthesis Anis Haron and Matthew Wright |
- 17:20 |
Mozart is still blue: a comparison of sensory and verbal scales to describe qualities in music Maddalena Murari, Antonio Rodà, Osvaldo Da Pos, Emery Schubert, Sergio Canazza and Giovanni De Poli |
- 17:40 |
Vibrotactile Discrimination of Pure and Complex Waveforms Gareth William Young, Dave Murphy and Jeffrey Weeter |
20:00 - 21:15 |
Concert I |
[Renehan Hall - South Campus] |