SMC Sweden

SMC Sound and Music Computing
Summer School 2013

2 — 6 August 2013
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Sound Science, Sound Experience

During the past five decades, the domain of Music Acoustics has widened from studies of the acoustics of musical instruments and voice, including basic elements of musical perception and performance, to investigations of how humans experience and interact with sounds and music. Increasingly, the knowledge is put into industrial, societal and psychological perspectives. The age-old dream of bridging science and art has found new and bountiful ground in the field of Sound and Music Computing.

SMAC & SMC Programmes

Please find below the programmes for the two conferences in different formats. You can add the programmes to your preferred application by clicking on one of the icons below each calendar:

Download here the PDF file with programme and abstracts

Download here the PDF file with the concert program booklet and errata

Download here the PDF file with the conference guide booklet

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